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Airports near Copenhagen

Copenhagen Airport (CPH) is located approx. 8 km from Copenhagen in Denmark. Se other airports close to Copenhagen on the map below.

Copenhagen is all about public transport. The Metro goes directly from the airport to the city center in less than 15 minutes.

Free Public Transport in Copenhagen
The Copenhagen Card is a tourist pass that offers Free Public Transport and a wide range of benefits and discounts for visitors to the city of Copenhagen, Denmark. More info
Airports closest to Copenhagen in Denmark *
Approx. 29 km
Approx. 53 km
Approx. 113 km
Approx. 130 km
Approx. 139 km
Approx. 155 km
Approx. 180 km
Approx. 193 km
* Distances calculated in a straight line. Distance by car may be longer.
Distance to Copenhagen
How far is it from Denmark to Copenhagen?

Departure fromDistance
Billund Airport (BLL)approx. 214 kilometer
Aalborg Airport (AAL)approx. 230 kilometer
Flight tickets to Copenhagen Airport