Sidney-Richland Airport

Sidney-Richland Airport is located in USA (Sidney) approx. 7,113 kilometers from Copenhagen Airport and has the airport code SDY. See location on the map below.
About Sidney-Richland Airport
Location: Sidney, USA
Timezone: America/Denver - UTC -7
Distance to Sidney-Richland Airport
How far is it from Denmark to Sidney-Richland Airport?
There is about 7.113 kilometers from Copenhagen to Sidney-Richland Airport.

Departure fromDistance
Copenhagen Airport (CPH)approx. 7.113 kilometerView map
Billund Airport (BLL)approx. 6.953 kilometerView map
Aalborg Airport (AAL)approx. 6.875 kilometerView map
Flight time to Sidney-Richland Airport
How long does it take to fly from Denmark to Sidney-Richland Airport?
It takes approx. approx. 8 hours and 50 minutes to fly to Sidney-Richland Airport with direct flights from Copenhagen.

Departure fromFlight time
Copenhagen Airport (CPH)Approx. 8 hours and 50 minutesView map
Billund Airport (BLL)Approx. 8 hours and 55 minutesView map
Aalborg Airport (AAL)Approx. 8 hours and 50 minutesView map