Airports near Vila Nova de Gaia

Porto Airport (OPO) is located approx. 14 km from Vila Nova de Gaia in Portugal. Se other airports close to Vila Nova de Gaia on the map below.
Vila Nova de Gaia
Airports closest to Vila Nova de Gaia in Portugal *
Approx. 14 km
Approx. 50 km
Approx. 75 km
Approx. 108 km
Approx. 117 km
Approx. 178 km
Approx. 198 km
* Distances calculated in a straight line. Distance by car may be longer.
Distance to Vila Nova de Gaia
How far is it from Denmark to Vila Nova de Gaia?
There is about 2.233 kilometers from Copenhagen to Vila Nova de Gaia.

Departure fromDistance
Copenhagen Airport (CPH)approx. 2.233 kilometer
Billund Airport (BLL)approx. 2.075 kilometer
Aalborg Airport (AAL)approx. 2.212 kilometer
Flight tickets to Porto Airport