Airports near Vonovia Ruhrstadion

Dortmund Airport (DTM) is located approx. 26 km from Vonovia Ruhrstadion (Stadium) in Germany. Se other airports close to Vonovia Ruhrstadion on the map below.
Vonovia Ruhrstadion
Airports closest to Vonovia Ruhrstadion in Germany *
Approx. 26 km
Approx. 76 km
Approx. 90 km
Approx. 128 km
Approx. 149 km
Approx. 156 km
Approx. 159 km
Approx. 200 km
* Distances calculated in a straight line. Distance by car may be longer.
Distance to Vonovia Ruhrstadion
How far is it from Denmark to Vonovia Ruhrstadion?
There is about 582 kilometers from Copenhagen to Vonovia Ruhrstadion.

Departure fromDistance
Copenhagen Airport (CPH)approx. 582 kilometer
Billund Airport (BLL)approx. 489 kilometer
Aalborg Airport (AAL)approx. 646 kilometer
Flight tickets to Dortmund Airport